A Goatie Birthday Party

I helped a friend in need move her and her goats from AZ to MO in 2000 – she & her 50+ goats came to stay at my farm for awhile – on the evening of June 14th 2000, she came into the kitchen with what appeared to be a dead newborn baby – I was at the stove cooking dinner – she dropped him at my feet and said he was dead.. (seriously not a cool move on her part). He had been born in the pasture and his mom walked away not tending to him – I saw a slight movement, turned off the stove and immediately grabbed up this baby, there was still a bit of life in him but he was chilled (a newborn problem when a baby goat doesn’t not get nutrition in them directly after being born no matter what the outside temperature is) – My son’s girlfriend and I got to work on him with a hair dryer to warm him up and got some sugar into his system to bring his blood sugar up.. we worked for over 2 hours and yes we got this tiny guy back on his feet – He was Now MY baby goat – We named him Sebastian meaning “heroic in virtue”. That was 20 years ago today. Sebastian has most definitely slowed down and has lost most of his teeth but today is his 20th Birthday and we WILL have a birthday party when it cools down this evening – Photos following:

Happy Birthday Sebastian!
ALSO Please enjoy photos of some of his past birthday Parties!
I wish I had photos of all his parties – BUT this is what I have
Sebastian’s 16th Birthday:
Sebastian’s 17th Birthday Party
Sebastian’s 18th Birthday:
We are Heartbroken We Say Goodbye
to our Beautiful Sebastian on Sept 30 2020
My words on my Facebook page says it all:
With a very heavy heart – we lost a huge part of our lives for the last 20 years – Sebastian was always in the middle of everything we did outside – bag of charcoal for the BBQ? yep .. chainsaw laying there between cuts yep.. building materials while building anything? right there checking it out.. he was sweet and big.. as a baby he was literally dropped at my feet while cooking at the stove. My friend’s angora doe had him in my field.. she came in while I was cooking dinner and plopped him down telling me he was dead and walked away.. (yeah she was an ass) – I turned the stove off and my son’s girlfriend and I worked on him for 3 hours.. hair-dryer and molasses.. hot coffee.. and prayers.. he pulled through like a champ.. Bless his heart.. he got the nickname BitchyBritches because of all the bottle babies that year he was the loudest one making sure we didn’t forget his bottle.. LOL – he had a personality bigger than Texas. He loved attention even as an adult.. his tiny little voice as a baby grew into a bellow that was distinctly his own – Sebastian loved to be petted and kissed – he was the first one to come up to you while you were outside doing just about anything.. leaning his forehead on your leg wanting pets and loves.. he loved his cookies, and to be whispered to.. he was sweet, not an aggressive bone in his body.. the only thing he ever hated was cold weather.. Yesterday was the first warm day in a week.. cool air but 95degrees – fall had a chill in the air, but yesterday he lay in the sunshine.. just soaking it all in.. having a very hard time getting up.. I knew.. it would not be fair to him to make him wait even another day.. and certainly not fair to have him deal with more cold weather. I got a couple cookies for him.. and gave him a shot – he was ready to go.. we stayed with him for the next 30 minutes while he quietly drifted over Rainbow’s Bridge where many of his best friends waited for him.. Thank you sweet Sebastian for 20 years of pure joy.. mommy is going to missyou.. the front yard will never be the same.My son dug his grave (big boys need big graves – and we don’t have a tractor so they are All hand dug ) next to Mijo’s .. if you remember, Mijo was Sebastian’s best friend and BabyGirl’s second kid – Sebastian slept on Mijo’s grave for weeks after he died in May 2016.. it was MORE than pitiful ..so now they are together once again .. I miss him.. he was the first thing I looked for every morning when I got up.. to make sure he was OK.. and now I know.. he is with God and his friends and he is more than OK .. I will Always love you BitchyBritches.. you were really a fart.. with a huge huge heart..